Sandwich Crust Cutter

Sandwich Crust Cutter

January 10, 2025

Sandwich Crust Cutter

This is my take on a Sandwich Crust Cutter to make sealed crustless type sandwiches…. you know Uncrustable’s.

There are three main piece to make the sandwiches… The Cutter, and a Top & Bottom Sealer. The finished sandwiches will be just under 3½ inches.

To begin both piece of bread are coated in peanut butter (this will keep the jelly from being absorbed into the bread) and one half gets some jelly in the middle.

Next I place a piece of plastic wrap over the bread. (this will keep the printed parts clean as they are not food safe.)

Next the cutter is pressed into the bread and twisted a bit to cut off the crust. (There is an a alignment tab, I keep it in the 12 o’clock position.)

The bottom sealer (the shorter one) is then placed into the cutter (aligning the tabs) and the whole thing is then flipped over.

The excess plastic wrap is then folded over covering the top bread.

The top sealer can then be inserted (once again aligning the tabs) and then squeezed together to seal the two halves to each other.

We now have one crustless sandwich ready to eat or freeze.

…with some nice fancy edging too.

The nice part with using the plastic wrap there is no clean up needed.

Not a fan of PB&J’s… I also made a meat/cheese cutter too.

It cuts them out just undersized to fit the bread.

I threw in a couple of homemade pickles to see how much I could stuff one of these sandwiches.

These came out excellent too.

Everything stacks for easy storage when done.

I also made a 2 ⅜” version to make mini appetizers but I could still only get one sandwich per piece of bread so it’s kind of a waste to use this one.

All Information, Pictures, and Material is copyright © 2025 by Stephen Thone and may not be used for any personal or commercial purposes without the consent of the author. All rights reserved. The Author makes no guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of, or results to be obtained from accessing and using the Information herein.