Primer Tube Filler

Primer Tube Filler

Primer Tube Filler

This was just another one of those projects I made to see if I could. I made this back in 2009 so details are a little fuzzy. I think I probably figured out the primer sorter mechanism by looking at Dillon’s RF-100 Filler but there was no way I’d ever spend hundreds of dollars on a tube filler no matter how good it was so I came up with this.

The body of my filler was machined from a piece of cutting board and I used some rod stock for legs and a piece of plexiglass for a top cover over the primer channel.

It uses an old vibration motor setup from an old cell phone (or something like that) to move the primers down the channel and runs off a 9V battery with a simple push button switch.

The primer sorter is cut into the bottom of the channel and it had two little grooves that if the primer is upside down will tip and fall out of the groove. There is also a little insert that I can adjust up and down to make things work correctly.

This crude image shows how if the edges (red circle) of the upside down primer travel over the grooves the center of gravity will cause it to tip and fall out of the channel.

The top image shows how the insert will keep the primer in the channel if it sits up right by holding the edge (green arrow), while the bottom image shows how it will let it tip if upside down.

The primer tube just sticks into the bottom of the channel and hangs over the side of the table. Over all it was pretty crude design and I never mounted the battery or switch to anything. It basically never left the prototype stage but overall it worked really well and I still have it laying around somewhere.

This video shows how the whole thing works.

All Information, Pictures, and Material is copyright © 2018 by Stephen Thone and may not be used for any personal or commercial purposes without the consent of the author. All rights reserved. The Author makes no guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of, or results to be obtained from accessing and using the Information herein.

4 Replies to “Primer Tube Filler”

  1. Can I have the stl for the primer Tuve filler? A friend of mine has a dillon, and i would like to make him something usefull for his birthday. Really liked your design!

    1. Sorry…. Unfortunately there is no CAD files available for that. Everything was just done by hand on a Mill.

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